Dyma babell y cyfarfod
Cafwyd pabell y cyfarfod

1,2,3;  1,2,(((4),5),6);  1,2,(4),5;  1,4,6;  1,5,6;  1,6,3;  1,7,8,(9).
(Pabell y Cyfarfod)
1 Dyma babell y cyfarfod,
  Dyma gymod yn y gwaed,
Dyma noddfa i lofruddion,
  Dyma i gleifion Feddyg rhad;
Dyma fan yn ymyl Duwdod
  I bechadur wneud ei nyth,
A chyfiawnder pur y nefoedd
  Yn siriol wenu arno byth.

2 Ffordd a drefnwyd cyn bod amser
  I gael dihangfa o ddrygau'r ddraig;
Mewn addewid gynt yn Eden,
  Fe gyhoeddwyd Hâd y wraig;
Ffordd i gyfiawnhau'r annuwiol.
  Ffordd i godi'r meirw'n fyw;
Ffordd gyfreithlon i droseddwyr
  I hedd a ffafor gyda Duw.

3 Lesg bererin, gan y stormydd,
  Cyfod d'olwg, gwêl y wawr;
'R Oen yn gweini'r swydd gyfryngol
  Mewn llaes wisgoedd hyd y llawr;
Gwregys auraidd o ffyddlondeb,
  Wrth ei odre clychau'n llawn;
Llwyr faddeuant i droseddwr,
  Er mwyn ei anfeidrol Iawn.

4 Wele Sinai a Chalfaria,
  Heddyw wedi dod y'nghyd;
Sylwedd mawr yr holl gysgodau,
  Yn wynebu'r dwyfol lid;
Dacw'r cleddyf wedi deffro,
  Biliau'r ddeddf yn dod y'mlaen;
Dacw aur y gwaredigion,
  Wedi ei buro yn y tân.

5 O dyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth!
  Dirgelwch mawr duwioldeb yw,
Duw y duwiau wedi ymddangos
  Yn nghnawd a natur dynolryw!
Dyma'r person a ddioddefodd
  Yn ein lle ddigofaint llawn,
Nes i gyfiawnder waeddi "Gollwng
  Ef yn rhydd, mi gefais iawn."

6 Dyma Frawd a aned inni
  Erbyn c'ledi a phob clwy';
Ffyddlon ydyw, llawn tosturi,
  Haeddai gael ei foli'n fwy:
Rhyddhäwr caethion, Meddyg cleifion;
  Ffordd i Seion, union yw;
Ffynnon loyw, Bywyd meirw;
  Arch i gadw dyn, yw Duw.

7 Pechadur aflan yw fy enw,
  O ba rai y pena'n fyw;
Rhyfeddaf fyth fe drefnwyd pabell,
  I'm gael yn dawel gwrdd â Duw:
Yno mae, yn llon'd ei gyfraith,
  I'r troseddwr yn rhoi gwledd;
Duw a dyn yn gwaeddi "Digon",
  Yn yr Iesu, 'r aberth hedd.

8 Myfi anturiaf yno'n eon,
  Teyrnwïalen aur sydd yn ei law,
Estyniad hon sydd at bechadur,
  Llwyr dderbynnir pawb a ddaw;
Af y'mlaen dan waeddi, "Pechais",
  Af a syrthiaf wrth ei draed,
Am faddeuant, am fy ngolchi,
  Am fy nghànu yn y gwaed.

9 O! am ddyfod o'r anialwch
  I fyny fel colofnau mwg
Yn uniongyrchol at ei orsedd,
  Mae yno'n eistedd heb ei wg:
Amen diddechrau a diddiwedd,
  Tyst ffyddlon yw,
    a'i air yn un;
Amlygu y mae ogoniant Trindod
  Yn achubiaeth damniol ddyn.
Dyma babell :: Cafwyd pabell
Dyma i gleifion :: Ac i gleifion
Feddyg :: Meddyg
'N siriol :: Yn siriol
Yn siriol wenu arno :: Wena'n siriol arno :: Arno'n siriol wenu
gael dihangfa o :: ochelyd
addewid :: cyhoeddiad
gyhoeddwyd :: amlygwyd
godi'r meirw :: godi'r marw
I hedd a ffafor gyda :: I gael hedd achubol :: I gael hedd a ffafr
y stormydd :: ystormydd
Cyfod d'olwg :: Cod Dy olwg
Er mwyn ei anfeidrol Iawn :: Trwy ei ddryd, anfeidrol ddawn
a aned :: a anwyd
Myfi anturiaf yno'n eon :: Anturiaf ato yn hyderus
nghanu :: nghannu

Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Alexander (John Roberts 1806-79)
Blaenwern (W Penfro Rowlands 1860-1937)
Deerhurst (James Langran 1835-1909)
Dolwar (<1869)
Edinburgh (Alaw Gymreig)
Esther (John Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)
  Gilboa (<1829)
Hyfrydol (R H Prichard 1811-87)
Jewin Street (<1835)
Lyons (<1875)
Llangan (alaw Gymreig)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
Tanycastell (John Jones 1796-1857)
Towyn (David de Lloyd 1883-1948)

  Dyma Frawd a anwyd inni
  Daw y dydd i'r hâd breninol
  Deffro Arglwydd gwna rymuster
  O ddyfnderoedd iachawdwriaeth
  Er mai cwbwl groes i natur
  Ffordd a drefnwyd cyn bod amser
  Mae'r dydd yn dod i'r hâd brenhinol
  Melus gofir y cyfammod
  O am Fywyd o Sancteiddio
  O fy enaid cwyd dy olwg
  O na bai fy mhen yn ddyfroedd
  Pechadur aflan yw fy enw
  Teilwng teilwng i'w addoli
  Wele Sinai a Chalfaria

(Tent of Meeting)
1 Here is the tent of meeting,
  Here is reconciliation in the blood,
Here is sanctuary for man-slayers,
  Here for the sick is a free Healer;
Here is a place beside the Godhead
  For a sinner to make his nest,
And the pure righteousness of heaven
  Cheerfully smiles on him forever.

2 A road prepared before time was
  To escape from the evils of the dragon;
Within the ancient promise in Eden,
  The Seed of the woman was proclaimed;
A way to justify the ungodly
  A way to raise the dead to life;
A lawful way to transgressors
  To peace and favour with God.

3 Weary pilgrim, with the storms,
  Raise thy sight, see the dawn;
The Lamb serving the mediatory office
  In loose garments down to the ground;
A golden belt of faithfulness,
  At its bottom full of bells;
Complete forgiveness for transgressors,
  For the sake of his immeasurable atonement.

4 See Sinai and Calvary,
  Today having come along;
The great substance of all the shadows,
  Facing the divine wrath;
Yonder is the sword that has awakened,
  Bills of the law coming along;
Yonder is the gold of the delivered,
  Purified in the fire.

5 O depths of salvation!
  It is the great mystery of godliness,
The God of the gods having appeared
  In the flesh and nature of humankind!
Here is the person who has suffered
  In our place full wrath,
Until righteousness shouts "Release
  Him freely, I have received satisfaction."

6 Here is a Brother who was born to us
  Against hardship and every ailment;
Faithful is he, full of mercy
  Worthy of being praised more:
Freer of captives, Physician of the sick,
  A direct way to Zion he is;
A bright spring, life of the dead,
  An ark to save man, is God.

7 An unclean sinner is my name,
  The chief of those alive;
I will wonder ever a tent was pitched,
  For me to get quietly to meet with God:
It is there in the fullness of his law,
  For the transgressor setting a feast;
God and man shouting "Enough!",
  In Jesus, the peace-offering.

8 I will venture to him boldly,
  A gold sceptre is in his hand,
The extension of which is to the sinner,
  None who comes is to be rejected:
I will go forward shouting, "I have sinned,"
  I will go and fall at his feet,
For forgiveness, to be washed,
  To be bleached in the blood.

9 O for lifting from the desert
  Up like pillars of smoke
Directly to his throne,
  He is sitting there without his frown:
Amen without beginning and unending,
  He is a faithful witness,
    and his word is the same;
Evident is the glory of the Trinity
  In the saving of damnable man.
Here for sinners :: And for sinners
:: ::
escape from :: avoid
promise :: publication
published :: displayed
raise the dead (one) :: raise the dead (ones)
To peace and favour with :: To get the saving peace of :: To get the peace and favour of
For the sake of his immeasurable atonement :: Through his costly, immeasurable gift

tr. 2008,10 Richard B Gillion

"He was manifested in the flesh." 1 Tim 3:16
Thy Pavilion's One Foundation,
  Fortress for the fugitive,
In Thy Blood we see salvation,
  Jesu, through Thy Death we live.
At thy footstool humbly bending
  Only can we be forgiven,
On thy righteousness depending
  Only have we hope of Heaven.

Prior to this earth's creation
  Man's redemption was ordained, -
By Thy predetermination
  Long lost Eden was regained.
Undeserved regeneration,
  Blissful immortality,
Pardon, peace, purification, -
  All are offered, Lord, by Thee.
tr. 1900 George Richard Gould Pughe 1831-1917

(It is Good to Be Here)
Here, behold the seat of mercy:
  Here, from doubt and fear release:
Here a Refuge for the guilty:
  Here are joy and health and peace:
Here a Covert near the Godhead,
  Where the vile may make their nest;
Justice smiling fond approval,
  Honoured Law declares them blest.

See the Saviour for the guilty,
  A Brother for the day of need;
Faithful, tender, full of pity,
  He should have our praise indeed.
Great Redeemer and Physician,
  The true way to Sion He,
Living Fountain, true Salvation,
  Ark where guilty man may flee.
tr. 1854 Joseph Morris


Here within the tent of meeting
tr. H A Hodges 1905-76
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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